
On Monday we all headed to the Hockey, Canucks vs. Kings in Vancouver…

I’ll post more soon but the photos are here:

The mighty bus!

The mighty bus!

BC Place Stadium!

BC Place Stadium!

I know this is not an action shot

I know this is not an action shot

This flew around and dropped gifts

This flew around and dropped gifts

EDIT: Time to expand this as I need to get caught back up on writing

We all got to leave work at 3:30 for this. Tyler was coming too, but not sitting with us. Unfortunately though it would be the last time we saw him as he had been called back to Aus. We all loaded onto one of the Red Mountain School Buses that they normally use as parking shuttles. This thing was freezing, the windows didn’t shut and it wasn’t really meant for any activity that needed suspension. So when we hit a bump we would all be launched upwards in a sitting position before slamming down onto the admittedly comfortable seats. This however did not stop me watching Top Gear the whole way in both directions.

Got to Vancouver and we realised that Sabina (our supervisor’s supervisor and Controller of Finance) was a massive Canucks fan. That $120 shirt she was wearing proved it beyond a doubt. To our dismay however, that shirt only put her back 18 beers at the stadium’s prices ($7 a slim pint).

Our seats were miles up at the back but it hardly mattered, we liked being able to see all the action. The frills they throw into sports round here are huge to say the least. I couldn’t go 10 seconds without getting distracted by the scoreboard animations. However, when the gloves off hockey fight broke out that quickly changed! My god, they really go for it. Both gloves and helmets were chucked off and the players actually tried to stare each other down before going at it.

That might have been the highlight of the match since the second and third periods only contained the Kings equalising and the Canucks just running down the clock a bit. Eventually it went to shoot out that we lost. Oh well, more Top Gear on the way home.

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